Thursday, November 20, 2008

GIMP skills improving

Who knew that you could actually do something relatively artistic with the GIMP? I know nobody who reads this (does anybody read this?) would even know what GIMP is, but let me tell you, it's a pretty nice alternative to Photoshop.
(Photoshop = $300-$600 | GIMP = $0)

For a while now, I've been trying to figure out how to do useful stuff with GIMP. I've had a few sick days from work, and I have come up with this wallpaper. I think it turned out pretty good. . . . well, anyway, I care. /:]

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  1. Hi Randy.. I read your blog and that's pretty cool wallpaper you made ;) I'll have to try GIMP out. Do you think it really works as well as Adobe Photoshop?

    Aunt Marsha

  2. Well, thanks for reading /:]

    If you have used Photoshop before, the first thing you notice about GIMP is that the interface is not as intuitive. So it tends to take longer to get things done than it would in Photoshop.

    Also, one other major failing is that it is missing adjustment layers and layer effects (I use those all the time).

    Otherwise, there's still a lot you can do with it that you can do with Photoshop; they are always improving it too. And the big plus is it's free. Here's a link if you're interested.
