Thursday, November 20, 2008

GIMP skills improving

Who knew that you could actually do something relatively artistic with the GIMP? I know nobody who reads this (does anybody read this?) would even know what GIMP is, but let me tell you, it's a pretty nice alternative to Photoshop.
(Photoshop = $300-$600 | GIMP = $0)

For a while now, I've been trying to figure out how to do useful stuff with GIMP. I've had a few sick days from work, and I have come up with this wallpaper. I think it turned out pretty good. . . . well, anyway, I care. /:]

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

We Have Snail Sign!

It appears that we have dozens of snails living near our apartment. I haven't gotten a chance to snap a picture until now (they generally only come out at night, kinda hard to take photos).

I named this one "Lucky," or something --- okay, I didn't name any of them, but they are lucky we don't step on them whenever we go by them on the walkway.

Did I mention they had kinda wierd shells? I've never seen snails with that kind of shell.

Anyway, I though this was somewhat noteworthy.
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Thursday, November 6, 2008

ARRRRR! These be my new glasses, says I!

There was a slight mix-up at the optical shop.
My mother-in-law, Janet, says she's never seen anything like this in all the years she's worked at the optical shop. /:]
One side of my new glasses is transition lens, the other side is normal.
Now I look like a pirate wherever I go :)

I got these glasses last week and didn't notice anything strange (it was cloudy all day the next day).
It was only when Bethany and I decided to go for a walk a couple days after, that we noticed this.

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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween - Ninja vs. Zuko

This is what we dressed up as this halloween. Bethany was a ninja, and I was Zuko from Avatar. You'd think Avatar was a pretty popular show, but almost nobody knew who I was or had ever heard of Zuko and Avatar: The Last Air-Bender
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I forgot to post this picture. As you can see, there's all his little insides. :)
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Tiny lizard in our house

Found this little guy in our house. Almost stepped on him when we were walking out the door to go shopping.
He was way tiny, and kinda cute. Not all that fast for a lizard, though, he was really easy to catch, and it took some coaxing just to get off our hands onto the ground. :) He's also very see-through. We could see his little heart and everything when we put him up in the sun.

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