Sunday, January 18, 2009

Google Maps for Dixie State College

I'm currently working on a new map of campus for the college. This is what I've come up with so far.

I think this will be good for students (and anyone else who's interested). For instance, most students still don't know where the new Taylor Health Science building is.

If you want the see the real live version that I have posted on the college's website (since I can't really fit it very well on this blog), you can go here.

I originally got this idea from this blog. He did an awesome map for University of Alabama.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Win the Gold Star!

Ever have a really dumb argument about nothing or proved something to your wife for no reason other than to prove it? Well, in our house, on such occasions, the "winner" of said conversation earns the coveted "gold star" award.

"Actually, hun, the moon takes 23.5 days to revolve around the Earth, not exactly a month." The great thing is that the stuff you say doesn't actually have to be true. For instance, I really have no idea how long the moon actually takes. All that matters is that the other person doesn't know either, and I sounded really smart saying it. Gold star!

Despite being fictional, these gold stars are a great motivator for me to win at even more pointless stuff than usual. In fact, I think I have the most gold stars in this family! Yeah, that's yet another gold star for me!

I think eventually, it might be fun to actually give each other real gold star stickers. That would be awesome. Of course, I'd get the most, you know, cause I'm so awesome.